Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Let us save you time

We're going to save you a lot of time and energy over the next three months, by removing the need to keep following the presidential campaigns. That's right, we're going to tell you now what will happen.

Here it is:

The campaign will be close into October, perhaps as late as about October 24th. Then Obama will begin to edge ahead--he'll have a relatively small lead before that, but the gap will begin to widen. In the last weekend before the voting, the media will be talking about whether McCain can close the gap, but that isn't going to happen. In the end, Obama will win it going away, and it won't really be close.

You heard it here, first.

(The foregoing is based on the assumption that there will be no major shockers between now and election day--that McCain doesn't have a heart attack or it come out that Obama underwent electroshock therapy, nor some really huge gaffe by one of the candidates or his close associates ("Rum, Romanism and rebellion"). If something like that happens, all bets are off.)

Now, don't you feel relieved to have all that free time for the next three months? We're always glad to help.


Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper said...

Me, myself and I are going to keep repeating the Serenity Prayer.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper said...

You must be talking to Kevin Drum.


The Old New Englander said...

Actually, I had not checked Kevin Drum's blog lately--which I should, because even when he does not agree with me, he's insightful.

Will it win me some points if I say that I've been meaning to post this for the past 10 days or so?

Anonymous said...

i hope you realize that you are retarded by saying that Obama is going to win. Our country will be even more screwed up if he wins.

The Old New Englander said...

Get used to it, anonymous.

Take a look at the Democratic Convention this week, especially Obama's speech on Thursday.