Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reason enough to vote for him

Obama tells Congressional Democrats that he would have the Justice Department comb Bush's executive orders to weed out any that "trample on liberty."

You can bet that John McCain won't do that, in the unlikely event that he is elected.

There is so much to be done that one term of an Obama presidency would not be enough to undo the damage the Bush and is cronies have done to the United States. In addition to trashing our reputation--our most important asset--overseas, and to the damage done by executive orders that undermine, if not actually violate, the Constitution and laws of the United States, there are thousands of regulations, many of them obscure, that were designed to turn back the clock on civil rights and liberties, employment rights and many other achievements that we had thought were well protected.

A massive project awaits the Obama administration.

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