Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A thought for November

Yahoo news featured this headline, from AP, today:

Ohio: Crucial now and in fall campaign

Which leads me to ask, Have Hillary Clinton's silly attacks on Barack Obama--I'm thinking especially about the "3:00 o'clock in the morning" ad--seriously weakened the Democrats in Ohio, especially if Obama is the nominee?

In general, I think the press over-plays the effect of the primary campaign on the November elections. And if it takes until April 22 to find out who the Democratic nominee will be, that is still more than six months before Election Day. But some things linger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have Hillary Clinton's silly attacks on Barack Obama--I'm thinking especially about the "3:00 o'clock in the morning" ad--seriously weakened the Democrats in Ohio, especially if Obama is the nominee?

Oh jeez, I'd almost forgotten that already! And you had to go dredge it up:^)

Six months is a long time to remember one silly political add. I think the Democrats will be far too focused on the racist/sexist nonsense that the GOP will use to remember that happened in the primaries.

I also think the GOP tactic of using racist/sexist attacks will backfire and unite - instead of divide as they hope - Democrats.