Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Primary night

Sitting here on primary night--well, the latest primary night--waiting for the results from Ohio and Texas (and not going to wait up late, having too much to do tomorrow), having to suffer through Tim Russert and Chris Matthews bloviating, I'm thinking of what Will Rodgers said: "I belong to no organized political party. I am a Democrat." And, you know, over the years since he said that, the Democratic Party has not done all that badly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one said you have to watch Chris Matthews. Haven't you heard of the 8th Amendment?
I like R.D. Saul on NECN. NECN does level-headed, non-shock journalism. Jim Braude can cause a slight headache, but nothing on par with Wolf Blitzer and the CNN "space shuttle" - oh, I mean, news set.