Monday, March 24, 2008

Cheney to leave Republican Party?

In the West Bank yesterday, Vice-President Dick Cheney called for the defeat of those who are committed to violence.

There is no word on whether the Vice-President will join the Democratic Party or become an independent.


Anonymous said...

This isn't the first time Cheney has said one thing while acting in the complete opposite sense. What amazes me about this administrations is the complete disconnect between their actions and their public statements - let's use torture as an example.

It's as if their actions are above critique, always, because they are infallible and are inspired by a divine power. The actions of mere mortals of course, will need to be guided by their special insights.

This "do as I say and not as I do" way of acting is infuriatingly insulting to nations we deal with on a regular basis. Alas, along with this unparalleled sense of justness of their cause is linked an unparalleled ignorance of the history of the US and the world.

Combining supreme hubris and unmatched ignorance is always a recipe for disaster.

The Old New Englander said...

Of course, you took me seriously!