Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Nightmare ticket

I'm watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann; he and Jonathan Alter were discussing the idea of a "dream" ticket of Obama and Clinton (or Clinton and Obama). What amazes me is that two respected political analysts would spend more than 30 seconds on this.

Dream ticket? Maybe for the Republicans. For Democrats it would be a nightmare. Think of it: a candidate to arouse the racists and another who brings out the millions who despise the Clintons.


Anonymous said...

Dream ticket? Maybe for the Republicans. For Democrats it would be a nightmare. Think of it: a candidate to arouse the racists and another who brings out the millions who despise the Clintons.

It's not a bad ticket - really. Put your dislike for Hillary aside for a moment.

Either the nation is ready for a black president or a woman president or it isn't. If it isn't, then either will lose. My main concern is: What do we do with Bill?

McCain is basically asking the nation for another 4 years of Bush. That's not going to happen.

Think about it.

The Old New Englander said...

You mistake my meaning. I was referring to the opposition the ticket would arouse, not to my personal feelings about either of the candidates. I'd vote for the ticket against McCain and Whoever, but I fear that millions will reject it because of personal prejudice and animus.