Friday, November 23, 2007

What it's really all about

Bill Moyers on FDR as he accepted an award from the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute:

[My father] voted for Franklin Roosevelt in four straight elections, and he would have gone on voting for him until kingdom come if both had lived that long. I once asked him why, and he said, "Because the President's my friend." Now, my father never met FDR. No politician ever paid him much note, but he was sure he had a friend in the White House during the worst years of his life. When by pure chance I wound up working there many years later, and my parents came for a visit, my father wanted to see the Roosevelt Room. I don't know quite how to explain it, except that my father knew who was on his side and who wasn't, and for twelve years he had no doubt where FDR stood. The first time I remember him with tears in his eyes was when Roosevelt died.

Read the whole speech here. (Go ahead; it's not very long and you'll find your time well rewarded. In fact, you'll probably wish it were longer.)


Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper said...

I remember sitting on the foot of mom's bed and asking her why she was crying.

Anonymous said...

My problem with Bill:

When I, in truth, disagree with Bill - given his argument has the sound
that is true - what shall HE do.

How much more blue is the blue spot that is shined upon by a thousand lights than
that which is shined upon by one hundred?

We now know what is bare lies and baleful for democracy.

And also we know how to fix it.

The time is past for dissection.

Neigh is the time for a champion.

Al Franken has decided to fight, would that Bill would close his
press and press his skin.

Keep the light shining to save us form the rocks - but along with the
lighthouses there must be skippers too