Friday, November 30, 2007
A plug
Fortunately, there are others who do enter such areas. One is Urban Feed, a relatively new blog well worth reading. Take a look!
Uh, oh
With Iowa tight, N.H. becoming Clinton's firewall
With Hillary Clinton faltering in polls leading up to the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire primary is looming as a possible make-or-break moment for her - in a place where she has most of the party's key endorsements and a sizable lead in the polls, but where a defeat could be devastating.
The many sides of Rudy Giuliani
Or is he the Rudy who proposes a single biometric ID card for all foreigners entering the US (boy, would that cause problems for New York merchants who are making millions and millions off European tourists using the weak dollar in wild shopping sprees)? And the Rudy who would require all immigrants to read and write English? (A study by the Pew Center shows that the overwhelming majority of children of Hispanic immigrants learn fluent English.)
Is he the Rudy who speaks with authority, citing statistics to prove that he turned New York City from the brink of disaster? Or the Rudy whose statistics are wrong, time after time?
Is he the Rudy who reduced crime in New York, or the Rudy who provided a police car and a driver for his mistress (now third wife), Judith Nathan?
And if we can't figure out which of these Rudy's is the real one, or if he's more than one of them, how can he make a claim to the highest office in the land?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The silent majority
In a very different era, Democrats should reach out to a new silent majority. I am put in mind of this by two pieces: one, an article on The Huffington Post by Bill Curry, suggesting that Republicans still set the agenda, the second, the wonderful Gail Collins' column on the GOPher YouTube debate.
One place for Democrats to invoke the silent majority is in the immigration debate. Unless Republicans have a sudden attack of good sense and nominate John McCain or Mike Huckaby (probably the most dangerous potential nominee for Democrats, but that will be the subject of a later post), the GOP is going to get very nasty on the subject. And the media, which loves nastiness and simple slogans, will play along.
The truth is that immigration, like health care, is a very complicated subject. But good sense on such subjects (health care is another) is easily overridden by simple slogans. To counter this tendency, Democrats must appeal to the majority of Americans who don't mouth off on immigration, but who, although they may not be able to enunciate their position in a few words, know that the issue is complex.
I envision a Democratic candidate speaking along these lines: "Most Americans know that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are not drug dealers or terrorists, but poor people who need to feed their families. Most Americans know that undocumented immigrants take on some of the hardest, least-rewarding and worst-paid jobs in America. Most Americans know that even while on one hand we said that those undocumented immigrants were breaking our laws, we welcomed and encouraged them with the other--welcomed them to do the jobs we didn't want to do, and to the jobs we wanted done cheaply. And most Americans know that we simply cannot round up the twelve million or more undocumented immigrants and simply ship them out of our country.
"Now, knowing that, what should we do? [Follow with the candidate's prescription for a tough-but-fair policy.]"
The same can be true for the health-care debate. "Most Americans know..."
What's needed is not to dumb-down the message, but to counter the sense that the people with the simple slogans represent the feelings of most Americans. To do that will require resolution and repetition: Nixon did not invoke the silent majority once; he used it every day during the campaign. Democrats need to do the same.
This approach should be easy for Democrats: we have been giving vent to the feelings of the unheard for well over a century.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Least surprising headline of the week:
Hospital fined for wrong-side surgery
Shouldn't that be obvious?Rhode Island Hospital was fined $50,000 and reprimanded by the state Department of Health Monday after its third instance this year of a doctor performing brain surgery in the wrong side of a patient's head.
Seems to me, a bunch of people need to get their heads examined.
Monday, November 26, 2007
What's the real story?
Is Yepsen's opinion good news for us who support Barack Obama, Bill Richardson or the rest? Perhaps, but is it really news at all? Shouldn't the campaigns be focusing on getting the message out, and shouldn't the public concentrate on what the candidates stand for? Mark Helperin, edit0r-at-large and senior political analyst for Time explains how he got distracted from what matters. Others covering the campaigns, take note.
Really, shouldn't this inside-baseball be reserved for bar-talk among reporters at the end of a long day on the trail?
Loathesome behavior
Kevin Cullen, of The Boston Globe has a particularly good take on this sorry spectacle of how degraded our public debate has become, at least on the GOP side.
Josh Marshall makes a good case that Mitt Romney believes in quotas. Take a look.
The high cost of health care
This is the kind of issue that presents a challenge to the democratic process, at least as it is presently practiced in the United States. In a former age, when Democrats and Republicans could work together on important matters, we might have seen a coalition of congressmen and/or senators from the two parties getting together to hammer out a compromise program that recognized the legitimate concerns of the different interests and belief systems engaged in the debate.
Can that happen today? The S-chip debacle is both encouraging and a lesson on how hard progress is. The bills that emerged from committees in the House and Senate were the products of broad bipartisan consensus unseen for well over a decade. On the other hand, the inability to obtain a sufficient majority to enact the legislation--and the willingness of GOP House members to accept even a compromise that met their stated objections to the original bill--for a relatively simple piece of the health-care puzzle does not bode well for progress on the far larger and more complex challenge of providing comprehensive health care to 300 million Americans.
True, the prospect of replacing George W. Bush with a Democrat gives hope that the nation can finally make progress on this vital issue, but even if that occurs, a comprehensive national health policy that assures coverage for all Americans is by no means assured.
We won't have Trent Lott to kick around any more
Friday, November 23, 2007
What it's really all about
[My father] voted for Franklin Roosevelt in four straight elections, and he would have gone on voting for him until kingdom come if both had lived that long. I once asked him why, and he said, "Because the President's my friend." Now, my father never met FDR. No politician ever paid him much note, but he was sure he had a friend in the White House during the worst years of his life. When by pure chance I wound up working there many years later, and my parents came for a visit, my father wanted to see the Roosevelt Room. I don't know quite how to explain it, except that my father knew who was on his side and who wasn't, and for twelve years he had no doubt where FDR stood. The first time I remember him with tears in his eyes was when Roosevelt died.
Far-way melting pot
When my cynicism level rises, it's good to remember that there are people who still believe in the promise of America enough to die for it.
More inside baseball
Before you reach any conclusion, however, note that a November 1 survey from Winthrop University (I don't know anything about this organization) had the race as Clinton 33, Obama 23.
All of these polls show bad news for John Edwards, who is running a poor third in a state that borders his home in North Carolina.
Perhaps the most important statistic is that the South Carolina primary takes place on January 29th, almost four weeks after the Iowa caucuses and three weeks following New Hampshire.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Top of the list are the soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen who serve our country all over the world, and who are on duty today. We may abhor the job some of them have been sent to do, but we should all thank them for their service.
Then there are the police officers and firefighters who guard us every day. And people who keep buses and trains running, even on holidays. Toll takers who sit in their booths and keep them open for travelers going to and from holiday dinners. Don't forget those in gas stations, making sure that you won't run out, and the people who handle two trucks if you do, or have a breakdown.
Workers in hospitals and nursing homes can't take the day off, either. They deserve our thanks every day, so let's think of them on this one.
Don't forget the people who keep TV and radio on the air, and those who keep ISPs and websites in business; this message wouldn't get to you without them. Newspaper people are working too, getting tomorrow's edition ready.
And remember that there's always news, and reporters have to work every day.
Thousands of restaurants, from fast food to haute cuisine are open today. Their employees give up part of their day to serve dinner to us--and breakfast and supper and snacks, too.
And to all the people I've forgotten, thank you on this Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Justices to consider Second Amendment
The Supreme Court has announced that it will consider an appeal from a decision of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that struck down a D.C. gun-control ordinance. The ordinance is one of the strongest gun-control laws in the country, and the Supreme Court is widely expected to offer a definitive interpretation of the Second Amendment, something it has ducked for many decades.
(A word here on definitive interpretations by the Supreme Court: As Justice Jackson put it, "We are not final because we are infallible. We are infallible, because we are final.")
The Second Amendment is a model of brevity that manages also to be opaque. It reads:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a
A little history here: The colonists had hated and feared the British Army, which they regarded as the principal arm of kingly oppression. They resolved to avoid that evil in the new nation, and at one point the entire United States Army consisted of fewer than 100 officers and enlisted men. The primary defense against foreign invasion or Indian attacks (the Indians were always seen as the attackers, not as defending their homes, but that's another story) was the militia, organized by the states and called into national service in time of war. This system, such as it was, persisted until the Civil War.
The militias were not standing armies in state clothes; they consisted of virtually all able-bodied men, who were liable to call-up in times of emergency, and who brought their own weapons from home; not until much later did states provide arms. The Swiss army is somewhat like that even today. The ideal of the citizen-soldier was deeply embedded in the new republic; it was both a symbol and a concrete expression of how different the United States was from the British monarchy, with its standing army ready to trample the rights of the free-born.
It is also important that the Bill of Rights protected citizens against the federal government, not the states. Despite the establishment clause of the First Amendment, for instance, many states had established churches for decades after the Constitution was adopted.
From this, I deduce that the Second Amendment was meant to protect the right to bear arms against intrusion by the federal government, and indirectly to protect the states and their militias, as a guard both against foreign invasion and against overbearing forces from the federal government. The people's right to bear arms, as set out in the Amendment, was, then, not intended to keep states from making at least reasonable restrictions on what weapons civilians might possess.
(If one believes that the Second Amendment protects the individual's right to possess weapons, then it becomes necessary to ask if my neighbor can own a tank or a fighter plane. No one--at least no rational person so far as I am aware--believes in that much freedom to own weapons, but if the Second Amendment does not allow Congress, or at least the states, to enact controls, where does the line lie, and where is it found in the Constitution?)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Are they insulting or "just" incompetent
Do we want people who are so stupid and insensitive in charge of dangerous weapons? Let alone depending on them for our national security.
More on voter ID laws
For years, we've been arguing that people who don't believe in government shouldn't run for office. Now we're going to expand that to say that people who don't believe in democracy shouldn't participate in elections.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Back to the game
But it's always darkest before they turn on the light, as Cole Porter had it. According to The Washington Post, Obama has moved ahead of Clinton in Iowa, receiving favor from 30 percent of "likely caucus voters," a shadowy category, to 26 percent for Hillary and 22 percent for John Edwards.
It's early, of course, and the poll shows the race still close, but coupled with other reports in the past couple of weeks, it looks like Clinton's aura of inevitability has been dented, perhaps badly. The challenge for her is to give voters another reason to support her. She's got time to do that in Iowa, and more time elsewhere, but she appears to be more vulnerable now than at any time in the past six months.
How important is "inevitability" or, perhaps more significant, how important is it if the aura has passed? We may find out in the next six weeks. Hillary has a very good organization and lots of dollars. She can run on more than just being the presumptive nominee. I saw one of her ads here in Boston yesterday (the Boston stations cover NH), and it was quite good, if not ground-breaking and filled with generalities--kind of like her campaign, but don't sell it short.
It seems to me that John Edwards is the one who's got to be worried: Iowa is pretty much win-or-go-home for his campaign, and he's now behind Obama at the outside edge of the margin of error, at least in this one poll. If other surveys show him losing ground, some of his voters are going to shift away from him for that reason; people don't like to feel that they are wasting their votes. I think most of those who drift away from Edwards (if it happens) will go to Obama if they go to the caucuses at all, but no one can say at this point.
I've noted that the media are also starting to pay attention to the second-chance votes--in Iowa, if your candidate gets less than 15% in the first vote, you get to vote again. Obama seems to be the second choice of more people than Clinton, at this stage, and commentators are noting that as a possible source of strength for him in the final results.
Interesting to see how the press plays the polls. The Post headlines, "For Democrats, Iowa Still Up for Grabs," while The Times reports the poll by saying, "The [WAPO] poll showed a statistical tie..." Maybe, but I'd rather be four points ahead than four points behind. Ah well, as the politicians always say--and sometimes mean--there's only one poll that counts.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Clinton news network
During the discussion, Carville said good things about Clinton's performance, while he criticized Barack Obama's.
The discussion clearly involved the expression of opinions, or what Sprio Agnew used to call "instant analysis and querulous criticism," but shouldn't the audience know that one of the panelists had a horse in the race?
Diamonds and pearls
Turns out that the young woman was forced to ask the question by CNN. (Forced being, in this connection, an elastic term; no one held a gun to her head.)
If I were asked the question, I'd have to say "Pearls." You see, in Hebrew, my name means "pearl."
Clinton 47%
Giuliani 43%
Clinton 49%
Romney 43%
Clinton 49%
Huckabee 43%
Clinton 44%
McCain 48%
Obama 52%
Giuliani 39%
Obama 53%
Romney 39%
Obama 56%
Huckabee 35%
Obama 50%
McCain 42%
The margin of error for these polls was +/- 4.2 or 4.3 percent.
What the surveys show is that--at least in Iowa at this moment--Barack Obama is more electable than Hillary Clinton. Indeed, in each survey in which Clinton leads, the results are within the margin of error. In Obama's case, however, only against McCain--who beats Hillary in the poll between them--do the results come within the margin of error, and then just barely.
It's also interesting, though perhaps not significant, that Clinton does not reach 50% in any of the match-ups. (Note, too, that none of the Repubs gets 50%.)
These are only snapshots, almost a year before Election Day. But they are interesting.
Bin Laden's tour
From time to time, I've thought of what I'd like Osama bin Laden and his henchmen to see, if by some chance I were to capture them. A New England town meeting is one of the sights they should certainly witness. Let them watch as citizens spend hours of their time discussing local zoning, budget and other issues. Boring? You bet. (Bin Laden's counsel might argue that having to sit through a town meeting violates the Eighth Amendment.) But valuable nonetheless.
I'd also like bin Laden and his gang go to a school committee meeting. And especially to witness a local election. I want them to see citizens volunteering their time to work all day that the polls. I want them to talk to candidates for offices that pay nothing, in salary or graft, who spend all day greeting voters, seeking the privilege to spend evenings at Town Meeting.
If, as I expect, I run for re-election next spring, I'll be out there in the cold (the election is early in May, but it's always cold on election day), missing a day from work and asking for votes so that I can spend more long nights in the high-school auditorium debating local issues with my fellow citizens.
If the people who hate us for who we are could and would take the time to watch the workings of American democracy, they might or might not like us better. But at least, I think, they would begin to realize what they are up against, and to understand that they can never win a struggle with the American people.
Now a struggle with our leaders--that might be a different story.
Krugman tags Obama
I saw only about half of last night's debate, but I did tune in in time to hear Obama make it clear that the real crisis is financing health care, a much greater problem than Social Security. So maybe he's learning.
(In today's column, Krugman repeats an observation he's made before--that what passes for "bipartisanship" today is code for giving in to the Right. Indeed, the attitude of most on the right has paralleled JFK's description of Nikolai Khruschev's negotiating position: "What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable." On the other hand, as Joe Biden noted last night, that's changing. We've seen in Congress that more and more Repubs--scared by W's extremism and/or the 2008 elections--are moving toward a real center.)
Voter ID's, what's really going on
The study's authors conclude that:
Institutional burdens to participating have long been established to have the largest impact on individuals who have fewer resources, less education, smaller social networks and are more institutionally isolated. Increasing barriers to voting are likely to have the largest impact on these groups, and we find strong evidence to support our thesis that strict voter identification laws would substantially affect those groups negatively.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
If the globe can’t vote next November, it can find itself in Obama. Troubled by the violent chasm between the West and the Islamic world? Obama seems to bridge it. Disturbed by the gulf between rich and poor that globalization spurs? Obama, the African-American, gets it: the South Side of Chicago is the South Side of the world.What a rave! Obama's people will be sending this one around for months. At least to areas where being attractive to people of other nations is not considered a bad thing.
Political analysts say Mrs. Clinton’s two rivals have not been especially ruthless — pointing out differences on Social Security or Iran, for example, rather than trying to stoke the concerns about Mrs. Clinton that some Democrats have had since the 1990s....Fortunately, none of the Repub candidates (except Ron Paul) could use that last one against Mrs. Clinton.“Edwards and Obama are still waltzing around her rather than hitting on doubts about her that would really resonate with voters,” said Ross K. Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University.
“One absolutely devastating accusation that could resonate is that she is gullible — she bought into two false story lines, one from her husband about Monica Lewinski and one from President Bush about Iraq,” Mr. Baker added.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
What's HE doing there?
There's no need for this folderol. Calvin Coolidge, on learning of the demise of Warren G. Harding, took the oath of office from his father, a local judge, in the front room of his family's home in Vermont. That was all the inauguration he got, until elected in his own right in 1924. Lyndon Johnson, as we know from the famous photo, was sworn in on Air Force One, just after President Kennedy was pronounced dead.
Mukasey's most important job, to the country, if not to the administration, is to restore confidence in the independence and professionalism of the Justice Department. To that end, having W attend his public swearing-in is not a good idea.
But what's the Chief Justice doing there? Isn't he lending his imprimatur to a partisan event--sponsored by this most partisan of administrations? And isn't it just a teensy bit unseemly for him to be presiding over the installation of the top guy at what is, in effect, the largest law firm, working for the most powerful and most frequent party in cases to come before the high court? The rules of ethics say that a judge should not give even the appearance of impropriety. I'm not sure that the Chief Justice is doing that, but it's not an event that will add lustre to him or his office.
Monday, November 12, 2007
A good time was had by all
David Yepson, of the Des Moines Register, the dean of Iowa political reporters, concluded that five of the Democrats "gave really good speeches. Barack Obama's was excellent." According to Yepsen, Obama's performance should help him close the gap with Hillary Clinton, who leads by a significantly insignificant percentage over Obama and John Edwards.
I did not see Clinton's or Obama's speeches live on Saturday night. They were last on the speakers' list (drawn by lot) and when they started introducing Sen. Tom Harken (D-IA) at 11:30, I gave up and went to bed, knowing that I'd be awake at 5:30 the next morning. (Don't get me wrong; I like Tom Harken. I worked for him when the ran for president in '92.)
Fortunately for those of us who could not stay up late enough, or who did something else on Saturday night, most of the campaigns have posted the speeches on the 'net. I've put Edwards' Clinton's (as much as I could find of it) and Obama's below. If you haven't made up your mind, or even if you have, take a look at them.
John Edwards, who started off the evening, gave a fiery address.
The Clinton campaign posted only a 55-second clip of Hillary's peroration:
I really urge you to take a few minutes to watch Obama's speech. I think he hit a home run--not just in his words and tone, but in fitting the speech to the moment. As the Iowa campaign heads into the stretch run, he responded with a top-level performance. In politics and governing, as in sports, rising to the occasion is an invaluable talent. Hear and see for yourself:
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The freedom platform
Democracy and diversity
[D]emocracy is not about majority rule; it is about minority rights. If there is no culture of not simply tolerating minorities, but actually treating them with equal rights, real democracy can’t take root.This is a key point and it helps to explain cases--such as in Venezuela--where democratic mechanisms have been used to install authoritarian regimes, or worse. And, although Friedman does not acknowledge it, the reasoning applies fully to Iraq.
Clarity on Mukasey
Senator Charles Schumer, the New York Democrat who turned the tide for this nomination, said that if the Senate did not approve Mr. Mukasey, the president would get by with an interim appointment who would be under the sway of “the extreme ideology of Vice President Dick Cheney.” He argued that Mr. Mukasey could be counted on to reverse the politicization of the Justice Department that occurred under Alberto Gonzales, and that Mr. Mukasey’s reticence about calling waterboarding illegal might well become moot, because the Senate was considering a law making clear that it is illegal.
That is precisely the sort of cozy rationalization that Mr. Schumer and his colleagues have used so many times to back down from a confrontation with Mr. Bush. The truth is, Mr. Mukasey is already in the grip of that “extreme ideology.” If he were not, he could have answered the question about waterboarding.
One of the reasons that Schumer gave for confirming Mukasey is that he will reinstitute professionalism in the Justice Department. But if Judge Mukasey is a truly principled lawyer, why did he agree to serve an administration so riven with corruption, and if he were going to stand up for independence in the Department, why was he unwilling to speak the truth about torture?
Friday, November 09, 2007
How desperate are they?
This is the kind of disgraceful "journalism" we would have expected from Fox, but obviously CNN has dived into the tank, too.
The thing is, we can expect Fox to be spewing right-wing filth even after the next election, but I'd bet that CNN will be toeing a new line with Democrats dominant in Washington in 2009.
Protect our children!
When you realize how much sex (all that begetting and begatting!), immorality (polygamy, adultery and treachery, not to mention Sodom and Gomorrah), and plain old-fashioned violence there is in the Good Book, you realize just how pernicious this series is. It's put out by an organization that calls itself Family Christian Stores, but that name's nothing but a hustle. Obviously it's just a front for the DEVIL!
Where have they been?
“We are experiencing among our clients an awakening that the United States is in big trouble,” said Erik Nielsen, chief Europe economist at Goldman Sachs.
Ben. S. Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, told Congress on Thursday that the economy was going to get worse before it got better, a message that received a chilly reception from both Wall Street and politicians.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Truth telling
Two nuts in a pod
Robertson's move won't mean much, however, because former Repub non-contender Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) has decided to back John McCain (R-AZ). That will put McCain over the top.
(A more thoughtful analysis of the odd alliance of Giuliani and Robertson appears on The Huffington Post, in a piece by Trevor Neilson, to wit:
Giuliani is a presidential candidate because people liked how he looked after September 11th.
Robertson said that Americans deserved what happened on September 11th because "We have sinned against Almighty God, at the highest level of our government, we've stuck our finger in your eye."
Giuliani is known to enjoy dressing up as a woman in drag -- and has done so in public and on national television.
Robertson once called for a ban on Halloween, saying "I think we ought to close Halloween down. Do you want your children to dress up as witches? The Druids used to dress up like this when they were doing human sacrifice."
Giuliani is pro-choice and made personal donations to Planned Parenthood throughout the 90's.
Robertson has said that Planned Parenthood "is teaching kids to fornicate, teaching people to have adultery, every kind of bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism -- everything that the Bible condemns."
Take a look at the whole piece here.)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Be on the lookout
Credit to Michael A. Mason, head of the Bureau's criminal investigations, who quickly figured out that the project was harebrained. Oh, and likely illegal.
And we wonder why Osama bin Forgotten is still on the lam. (Or lamb.)
Have another helping

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
A uniter, not a divider
Barack Obama is showing unexpected strength--among Republicans.
(I wonder if there are Democrats for Mitt out there.)
No brainer
Just thought you might like to know.
Amen, brother
Theodore Roosevelt gave us the Square Deal, Franklin Roosevelt the New Deal, and Harry Truman the Fair Deal. George W. Bush's presidency should be remembered in history as the Ordeal.
Interesting fact
In citing these figures I do not mean to suggest that there should was a simple population exchange, that after 60 years people should be satisfied and that all the claims back and forth be silenced. Some of those Jewish refugees went to nations other than Israel, but those who did go to the new state were going to a Jewish homeland, which most Jews had dreamt of for decades, even centuries. The Palestinians, on the other hand, left their homes and their homeland (although the notion of such a homeland seems to have developed later).
Then, too, the policies of the countries to which the refugees moved were vastly different. Israel welcomed the influx of Jews; faced with hostile Arab nations on all sides, the task of absorbing the new arrivals strained resources, but they provided valuable reinforcements. The Arab nations around Israel--principally Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt--preferred to keep the Palestinians separate, and offered virtually no chance to become part of the local social fabric. That is why there are still Palestinian "refugee camps" six decades after Israel's founding. That policy victimized the Palestinians, but it also allowed the Arab nations to cultivate irredentist fantasies which masked many of their failures of governance.
What does all this mean for the Middle East today? I don't know. On the other hand, the more we know about the past, the better chance we have for the future.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Awww, does it hurt much?
If Obama does become the Democratic front-runner (as I hope), he should be subject to hard questions, challenges and legitimate criticism from his rivals, and if his camp calls it racism he should be called to account for that, too. The gantlet that the leading candidate must endure is part of the campaign process--the means by which the American people decide who is the best of the available candidates to be president.
Does anyone think that if Hillary were running third in the polls she would have been the focus of last week's debate? Of course not. It's because she's out front, not because she is a woman, that she was subjected to attacks from so many of the other candidates. The only sexism lies in the Clinton campaign's response to what the other candidates said about her.
While we're on the subject of the campaign, there is one criticism of Hillary and Bill Clinton that appears to be an error: that they have worked to withhold papers from the Clinton administration until 2012. Critics have focused on a sentence in a letter from Bill Clinton stating that most of his papers are "subject to withholding," and should be reviewed before disclosure. While that might appear to mean that the papers should be kept secret, in the context of the law that applies to presidential records it is actually a request for review that must precede release of the materials; the Clintons argue--convincingly, I think, that they are really seeking early disclosure, not trying to hide information.
Is it being catty to suggest that this story got some legs because it seems like the kind of thing that Hillary would do? OK, then: Meow.
One final note: Democrats will probably let this go now--as they should. But what would the GOPhers d0? Indeed, can we not expect to see this canard revived if Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee next year? And much more, to boot. It's a sad commentary on the state of the republic that Democrats need to search their closets not only for material that might be the stuff of scandal, but for any dust bunnies that could be spun into a seeming shame by a well-funded political operation for which truth is but a minor obstacle.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
What they stand for
The same three also support Bush's veto of the S-Chip bill.
So there you have it: The Repubs are in favor of torture and against health insurance for children.
Memo to Mike Mukasey
And, most revealing of all, read about what it's like to be waterboarded in the transcript of testimony by a victim.
Maybe then, Mike, you can figure out whether waterboarding is torture.
Values voters
If Kentuckians--among the most conservative voters in the nation--reject this kind of pandering, they'll strike a blow for American values.
Friday, November 02, 2007
More Democratic Spinelessness
Should we give up on the Democrats? One is mightily tempted, sometimes, but the real solution is to elect more Democrats--the kind of Democrats who'll make people like Feinstein and especially Joe Lieberman irrelevant.
My pick for one of those Democrats: Al Franken. And to make it better, he's running against slimy Democratic turncoat Norm Coleman. Al deserves your support. What's more, he sends out fund-raising letters that begin, "Dear Person I'm Asking for Money." How can you not like a guy like that?
I believe that the questions he’s been asked are unfair. He’s not been read into the program — he has been asked to give opinions of a program or techniques of a program on which he’s not been briefed. I will make the case — and I strongly believe this is true — that Judge Mukasey is not being treated fairly.HUH? The guy is up for approval as Attorney-General and he hasn't had a full security check? Is that what we're to believe? Or he has had a security check and hasn't passed? Or he has passed, but they are keeping the vital torture memos from him--even after the questions that the Senate has asked? Can you believe that? Can ANY well-meaning person believe that?
Or is it just another one of Bush's lies?