Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A turning point?

From a regular reader who wishes to remain anonymous:

If it weren't for the bloggers, Alberto Gonzales would still
have a job as the head of the DOJ. Is this a turning point in
American journalism? Yes, I think it is. No, the bloggers have
NOT replaced traditional journalism, they've augmented it in,
I think, a much needed way.

I like to think we do our part


Anonymous said...

I like to think we do our part
Yes you (we) do.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper said...

Did I mention my post, The Blogosphere and the Fifth Estate?

In that I liken blog authors to those in other cultures and times who lost trust in the Main Stream Media of their day. Their outspoken anti-establishment rhetoric is a kind of fifth estate.

Lighthouse Keeper