Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Maureen Dowd gets it

Yes, she does:
If Bill Clinton has to trash his legacy to protect his legacy, so be it. If he has to put a dagger through the heart of hope to give Hillary hope, so be it.
The Clintons — or “the 2-headed monster,” as the The New York Post dubbed the tag team that clawed out wins in New Hampshire and Nevada — always go where they need to go, no matter the collateral damage. Even if the damage is to themselves and their party.
Read the whole article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked this line from the article

And if he has anything to say about it, and he will, they’ll be fighting till the last dog dies.

Yup. Bill doesn't see it for what it is - a dog fight. I think Americans are weary of that spectacle these days.

I repeat what I've said before on this blog.

The fight for the Clintons has become more important than the people they fight for - Americans.