Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Increasingly desperate, the Clinton campaign suggests that Obama is constitutionally barred from serving as President

(For those not up on the Constitution, the President is required to be native-born.)


Anonymous said...

Hawaii became a state in August, 1959 and BO was born in 1961, but of course you know that.

Just curious, do US territories count as being native born?

The Old New Englander said...

I believe they do. When Mitt Romney's father, George (the guy who did NOT march with MLK) was running for President, there was some question about whether he was eligible, because he was born in Mexico, I believe when his parents were on a Mormon mission. But it was decided that the child of American parents who intend to return to the States (and do return, so that the child takes up residence before the age of majority) is native-born.

I think I saw that McCain was born in the Canal Zone, while his father, a Navy officer, was on duty there.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper said...

You present positive, albeit anecdotal evidence, perhaps inconclusive, unless the examples you cite are sufficiently and convincingly accepted as precedents
to become established law.

An interesting topic.

But the real and poignant point of the story, as revealed in the video, is the desparation exhibited by Hillary and her staff. Hillary must be feeling driven to drink as things are turning out for her. She was so sure that she was the shoe-in nominee not too long ago. I feel for her a bit, but at the same time, I'm feeling a little relieved that the public seems to be getting it about Bill and Hillary. Why else would there be so much talk about the Clintons being willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want. These are two Boomers who should fade into the sunset and years to lick their wounds, inflicted, not by a far right conspiracy, but by the combined will of a people who know deceit and indecency when they see it.

The Old New Englander said...

I meant to place my tongue firmly in cheek with my headline. I think Rep. Tubbs-Jones was simply speaking without thinking, something, I gather that she has done before.

As to that comment about the Clintons fading into the sunset, watch it, buddy! Being a little older than they, I don't like such talk.

Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper said...

And I think I am older than thee.

It's not physical decrepitude that should send someone into the sunset, but moral decrepitude.

I use the sunset metaphor as the result of being given the hook to get one off the stage.

See my post, Take a flying leap, at leesvoicecryinginthewilderness.blogspot.com