Friday, April 21, 2006

"I'm the decider"

We are pleased to present our first guest blog, from Publius II:

The republic is not a family. The President is neither king nor father and can be and should criticized for not giving reasons -- truthful reasons -- for his actions and decisions. "I'm the decider" begs the questions of "Even if you are the unilateral decider, how did you decide, why did you decide the way you did, what is the basis of your decision?"

The president's remarks this week amounted to. "You know why? Because I'm the daddy."

Well, you know what? He's not the daddy. He's not the decider. He's the executive. The other two branches are supposed to decide (respectively, what's policy and what's legal). He's supposed to execute the decisions, making only those decisions necessary to interpret the larger decisions made by Congress.

George W. Bush's assertion that he can search without warrants (and his doing so) usurp the judicial branch. His "signing statements" on acts of Congress similarly usurp the legislative branch, trying to enact the law he wants instead of the law Congress sent him to either sign or veto. "Presidential intent" has no foundation in the Constitution.

This man wants to be like the Roman dictators, overriding all the safeguards of the faltering Republic, and leading it toward empire in political form at home to match its economic and military sway abroad.
Perhaps worse than Roman:

Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Decider!

If you want to save the Republic, it is time to start the process to impeach the vice president and president, and complete it in the Congress elected this November.

(If you, dear reader, would like to contribute a guess blog, email

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