Monday, May 05, 2008

No apology

At least not from me.

So on Friday I go to create a post and, lo and behold, I discover that Google, which hosts this blog, had "locked" TONE, because it has "the characteristics of a spam blog." Huh? Spam? Junk, maybe. Drivel, perhaps. But spam????? As if Google knows spam when it sees it. (Hit the "next blog" button at the top of the page a few times and see what's out there.

Anyway, this seems to be cleared up now, and I hope to post regularly.


Leanderthal, Lighthouse Keeper said...

I hadn't hit the next blog button in some time so did so just now. I must have brought up more than fifty blogs.

Perhaps five were in English. No porno stuff this time.

I wonder what algorithm is used to determine what comes up. Had quite a few repeats.

Why would anyone want to use this button?

The Old New Englander said...

To answer your question, I can think of two reasons: curiosity and boredom.