Thursday, July 27, 2006

Refreshing Clarity

The cause of same-sex marriage has suffered several blows in court recently, including this week's decision by the Supreme Court of the state of Washington. So it's refreshing to see a judge who can cut through the fog:

"Indeed, the true nature and extent of the discrimination suffered by gays and lesbians is perhaps best illustrated by the simple truth that each one of the plaintiffs could lawfully enter into a marriage of convenience with a complete stranger of the opposite sex tomorrow, and thereby immediately gain all of the myriad benefits an protections incident to marriage. Plaintiffs are, however, denied those rights because they each desire instead to marry the person they love and with whom they have created their family."

Judith Kaye
Chief Judge
New York Court of Appeals
Hernandez v. Robles
(Dissenting opinion)

'nuff said


Anonymous said...

And when same-sex marriage is approved, each of the plaintiffs in the Hernandez case could also marry a complete stranger, of either sex, and also gain all of the myriad benefits and protections (and responsibilities) of marriage. Thank goodness for the equal protection clause.

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