Saturday, March 25, 2006

What If They Gave A Big-Name Fundraiser...

...and the candidate didn't show up?

Exactly that happened in New Jersey last week, when Deadeye Dick Cheney appeared at a fundraiser for Tom Kean, Jr., son of the former governor and GOP candidate for the Senate against Robert Menendez. Kean arrived two hours late, a convenient 15 minutes after the VP left the hall. The candidate asserted that he got caught in traffic, but at least one report on NPR suggested that traffic on the NJ Turnpike was not heavy at the time. (Some who drive on the Turnpike regularly might reject such a report out of hand.)

Avoiding the Vice-President says something for Mr. Kean's political acumen (as does Sen. Mike DeWine's (R.OH) decision to miss an appearance by the President in Cleveland). Bush and Cheney are rapidly developing the toxicity of political dirty bombs.

Having quoted Churchill's encomium for Stalin, this page will not chastise either Kean or DeWine for cynicism.

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