Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A bientot

I'm off for a week in la Belle France tonight. Specifically, Paris. We'll be staying in a flat in the 5th Arondissment, the Latin Quarter, just down the hill from the Pantheon. This is a section of the city that I know only slightly, so it will be interesting to explore.

What with traveling and being in another city, not to mention those annoying French keyboards, I don't expect to be posting much, although I'll try to check in now and again if I can find a decent Internet cafe in the neighborhood.

What's going to happen between now and when I return, on March 22nd? Will we still have Alberto Gonzalez to kick around? He's dead meat, the only question is when the White House will throw him out. I suspect that he may well be in the trash within a week. The bigger question is Karl Rove. As Congress gets closer and closer to his role in the politically-motivated firing of the US attorneys, his job is really threatened, especially after the Repubs' dismal showing last November and given W's present unpopularity ratings. I don't expect him to be out the door by next week, but don't be surprised if he's gone by tax day.

And you can be sure that, with the way new scandals, and new developments in old scandals seem to pop up every day, I'll be searching for the CNN, the BBC and the International Herald Tribune.

Au 'voir mes amis.

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