Saturday, November 04, 2006

How Low Can You Go?

In Montana, the Free Enterprise Fund--the latest incarnation of the Swift Vote Veterans for (un)Truth that spent millions traducing John Kerry's war record--has been running an ad against John Tester, who's taken on Jack Abramoff's favorite senator, Conrad Burns (R-MT). The ad is entitled "Brokebank Democrats." In case you didn't get the hint, the ad says "they just can't fight their nature." (The sponsor says the reference is to the Democrats' nature of being high-taxers. Sure.)

(Update: reports that the telephone number given in the "Brokebank Democrats" ad--supplied for voters to complain about Jon Tester's alleged tendency to raise taxes--seems to be the Democratic candidate's home number. That's the kind of thing that even Nixon's dirty tricksters wouldn't have countenanced.)

In Wyoming, the National Republican Campaign Committee has been running an ad against Democrat Gary Trauner, who's giving Rep. Barbara Cubin a tough ride. (She's the one who said she wanted to hit a man in a wheelchair, a remark that didn't do Trauner any harm.) What's Trauner's sin? He's from New York! Some people think the ad is playing to anti-Semitism. Do you agree? Watch the ad here.

A Jewish congressman from Wyoming? As my grandmother would have said, "Oy gevalt!"

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